Συμπλογκίτες και συμπλογκίτισες ήρθε η ώρα!
Διακοπές τάιμ ιζ χίαρ! Σας αποχαιρετώ με 2 ωραιότατες γελοιογραφίες που βρήκα εδώ και σας εύχομαι καλό υπόλοιπο!Jesus Christ
Positives: Impressive stamina. Historically known for taking a beating, staying on his feet. Has history of miraculous resurrection.
Negatives: Invented Pacifism. Dangerous habit of turning the other cheek.
Charles Darwin
Positives: Invented Natural Selection. Understands what's at stake with "Survival of the Fittest".
Negatives: Theology student, nearly became an Anglican parson. Mixed feelings punching his Lord's Only Son and Savior in the face.
Sure they did, son. The Bible says so. They didn't call them "dinosaurs" back then, but instead they were known as "leviathans" or "behemoths".
But, my science teacher says dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. Is that true?
Of course not, son.
Then how old are they?
Well, let's see. The Bible tells us [from Adam and Eve's family tree] that the Universe is only a few thousand years old. So dinosaurs had to have lived within the past few thousand years. That's simple logic, son.
Oh. So that means they were on Noah's Ark?
Absolutely! The Bible says two of every animal were brought [by God] to the ark. Dinosaurs were animals. So, using your logic again son, dinosaurs had to be on the ark.
Huh. So how come scientists say they're older than that? and died way before Jesus?
Well, son, they just make that up. Dinosaur bones don't have labels on them to tell how old they are. In fact, there is no proof whatsoever that the world and its fossil layers are millions of years old. No scientist saw dinosaurs die-
No I'm serious. Scientists only find the bones in the here and now, and because many of them are evolutionists, they try to fit the story of the dinosaurs into their view.
That's sad. But I thought scientists were smart?
Sure, but they don't know everything. So they have to make stuff up to fit their beliefs. While you and I, we have the facts, straight from the Bible.
I don't want to be a scientist!
Ha! That's ok, son. It's better to be right, than smart. C'mon, wanna learn how to flip burgers like your Dad?
υπό Coil - Whre are you (KS for you ;) )
9 σχόλια:
καλά να περάσεις στις διακοπές σου, βλάσφημη! ;-)
τέλεια τα καρτούν και η ιστοριούλα.
Καλες διακοπές.
Καλα να περάσεις.
βρομιστεράκι καλές διακοπές , καλή ξεκούραση και να περάσεις όμορφα.
Καταπληκτικό το σκιτσάκι με τον Χριστό και τον Νταργουιν να παλεύουν! Αλλά και το μάθημα που παραδίδει ο μπαμπάς στο σαϊνι του...ασύλληπτο!
xaxaxaxa! καλές διακοπές!
εγώ ξέρω ότι τους δεινόσαυρους τους άφησε έξω από την Κιβωτό γιατι ήταν πολύ φαγανοί, δεν χωρούσαν κλπ, κλπ οπότε εξαφανίστηκαν από πνιγμό. Ετσι απλά, Occam's razor
Καλές διακοπέεες!!!
Kales diakopes!
Αγαπημένο μου βρωμιστερίδιο...
καλές βουτιές!
(και στη θάλασσα και στη χωριάτικη)
καλη ξεκουράδα!
καλά λιωσίματα!
καλη περισυλλογή!
(ξέρεις εσύ τι περισυλλογή)
και... καλό βράσιμο!
Πολλά πολλά σμούτσια!
Have a nice time!
Να'μαι πάλι πίσω και ευχαριστώ για τις ευχές σας φίλοι μου :)))
@das|boot εννοείται ότι έκανα περισυλλογή. Βρήκα σημείο άριστο. Bull cemetery!
Θα τα δείς!!!
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